

King 5 Evening News

A new company offers old fashioned sweets

Old Town Delights makes candy the old fashioned way.

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South SOUND Magazine

The Sweetest Thing

Old Town Delights is crafting caramels with care

For Tacoma couple Kelly and Grant Garofalo, time is precious. In the last few years, they’ve hardly taken a couple of days off and sometimes only sleep a few hours between working fulltime jobs and launching their candy company Old Town Delights.



Showcase Magazine

Old Town Delights Cares for Seniors

Owner Kelly Garofalo of Old Town Delights became involved with Weatherly Inn in Tacoma reaching out to them to help provide treats for an event. From the moment Kelly walked in the front door of Weatherly, “it just felt like home the staff and seniors were so welcoming and friendly”, commented owner Kelly Garofalo

When these trying times of Covis 19 came to pass, Old Town Delights went into action. “We could give back to them by dropping off caramels and boxes of truffles for their wonderful employees and seniors. We hoped that this would bring them a smile and give them a boost, says Garofalo. It certainly did the seniors and staff love the treats.